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 Academic Writing Studio

Supporting your research and writing journey

I’ve got ADHD, or think I might

You might wonder how the Academic Writing Studio would help, given your particular needs. You want to know that you are not alone, there is no shame in needing this kind of support, and that you will be welcome in the community. I’ve written some anonymised profiles focused on a few of the common reasons for joining to help you decide. 

Is this you?

Jane has been diagnosed with ADHD. She’s getting treatment and support, including medication and ADHD coaching. She knows about things like “body doubling” and the value of setting timers to help focus. She’s wondering if joining the Academic Writing Studio would also help.

Jess thinks they might have ADHD. They’ve not been diagnosed but they’ve been reading about it and there are a lot of things that resonate. They definitely struggle with focus and distraction. They’ve been starting to notice things that help, including co-working. They aren’t ready to pursue diagnosis but they are wondering if there are things they could do to make things a bit easier.

How the Studio helps

A Meeting With Your Writing is definitely useful in this situation, especially since we’ve started using Zoom. The structure of the beginning and end of the session helps you bring your focus to your writing. The fact that there is a fixed beginning and end to the meeting helps you focus while you are in it. Once we’ve finished the opening practice, I open a breakout room as a Quiet Writing Room. Participants are muted but encouraged to keep their videos on. Many find seeing others writing helps them focus better.

The prompts at the beginning and end of A Meeting With Your Writing include questions about focus. I prompt you to notice what might affect your focus and make a plan. I encourage you to try things based on what’s going on specifically. At the end I prompt you to make some observational notes. The idea is that you learn more about what works for you in different situations. This can be particularly helpful if you aren’t sure what will work for you and you need a contained space to try things out and learn.

The group coaching sessions in the Studio also offer support as you figure things out. Some are focused on planning. Some are focused on your writing practice. And at least twice a quarter I host Office Hours where you can bring whatever issue you’d like help with for coaching and community support. There are other members of the community who have ADHD.

I’ve been told by members that my approach to planning and effective writing is also neuro-divergent friendly, not just for ADHD but also for dyslexia. I’m here to help you figure out what works for you. You are not broken. You don’t need fixing. You don’t have to figure out how to overcome your ADHD (or dyslexia, or autism, or whatever) to be a successful academic.

Still not sure?

Back to the list of reasons.

If you don’t have a writing practice at all, you might want to start with the 15 minute per day Academic Writing Challenge (free). My book, Finding Time for Your Scholarly Writing will help you figure out how to fit that small practice in with other kinds of writing time.

You are also welcome to book a free consultation to discuss your needs. Or email me using this form.


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