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 Academic Writing Studio

Supporting your research and writing journey

Not enough time to write?

Our virtual co-writing sessions will help you write more

A Meeting With Your Writing is a guided co-writing practice, and a container to do your own writing.

During the academic year, the Meetings help you protect time for writing in the face of multiple demands.


During the long summer break or your sabbatical, it adds just enough structure to your week.

These co-writing sessions are a core part of The Academic Writing Studio, a membership site that provides practical support to get your writing done, while recognizing that you are much more than a writer and a scholar.

  • It doesn’t matter what language you write in.
  • It doesn’t matter what you are writing about.
  • It doesn’t matter what career stage you are, what kind of position you have or what kind of institution you work at.

Our approach is neurodivergent friendly and flexible enough to fit various working contexts.

    How It Works

    You join a Zoom meeting. There is a short opening exercise. You write for a full 90 minutes. We finish with a short closing exercise and share some small victories as a community.


      We offer A Meeting With Your Writing on Mondays and Thursdays at several times to suit different time zones and schedules. Classes and group coaching are usually offered on Wednesdays or Fridays at 10 Eastern/3 UK & Ireland.

      Most people can only fit one meeting a week into their busy schedule but we find that one meeting makes a huge difference (especially if it’s on Monday). You are welcome to come more frequently if the times work for you.

      For time zone conversion check TimeAndDate.com. Information for Australia and New Zealand (opens in new tab).

      A Meeting With Your Writing

      10am UK (London) | 5am EST (NYC)
      10am EST (NYC) | 3pm UK (London)
      3pm EST (NYC) | 8pm UK (London)

      A Meeting With Your Writing

      10am EST (NYC) | 3pm UK (London)

      Office Hours, Planning Classes, PhD Clinics, Writing Clinics

      10am EST (NYC) | 3pm UK (London)

      About the Academic Writing Studio

      The Studio is a community of writers and researchers at all stages of career from PhD through retirement. Members work inside and outside higher education institutions, in a variety of roles. They are in different types of institutions and located in many countries around the world.

      Our approach supports the whole person. Studio members are in a range of family and household situations, and belong to a variety of ethnic, cultural, and religious groups.

      We can’t change the big structural things that make your life harder than it needs to be, but we can help you navigate those structures with more ease and clarity.

      Learn more about the kinds of people who joins the Studio and see if it can work for you.

        For the first time in years, I feel I was successful in doing my own work, with great focus, during the semester.

        – Beverly, Connecticut, USA

        I have recommended this to every friend/colleague who complains that they are too busy to write.

        We are all too busy but the question that Jo has made me face is “Do I make my writing a priority?” That is the critical question.

        – Margaret, Queen’s University

        Here’s the truth: I would not have finished my dissertation this year without A Meeting With Your Writing.

        – Terry

        Your group has become an important part of my writing process.

        I appreciated hearing about the struggles and triumphs of other writers because this gives me a sense of being part of a larger community of writers and academics.

        This sense of belonging gives me energy to focus regularly (in modest bursts of time) to move my publication projects forward. Thanks, Jo!

        When I looked through the notebook that I keep for this meeting the sense of accomplishment that I experienced was quite remarkable!

        I have actively worked on more writing tasks than I thought I had.

        I am extremely close to submission than I have ever been for a piece of work that has not had an externally imposed deadline.

        I have several submitted and accepted conference papers completed.

        I have a clear stopping and restarting point for each of the other 3 papers that I am currently writing.

        I am beginning to feel more like a writer, than a person who should be writing.

        – Elaine, London, UK

        MWYW has helped me to do much more writing during a heavy teaching load.

        It both pushes me to set time aside and provides me with skills to keep up with some work throughout the week.

        – Kimberly, Bridgewater State University

        I look forward to attending MWYW each week – it is my reward for making it through three heavy days of teaching.

        I love having the chance to reflect on my week and see that I am getting things done, I am making progress, I am enough as an educator and scholar.

        – Assistant Professor, Dance Studies, Teaching Stream (Tenure-track), Public research university

        Because of the dedicated time and support–I finished and submitted a manuscript for publication, completed two additional drafts for distribution among co-authors, got two research projects underway (with REB applications) and submitted a conference abstract that was accepted.

        All of these projects took place during the 90 minute writing time over the weeks.

        I probably would have been able to do this on my own, but the dedicated time and support definitely helped make me more focused and efficient.

        – Suzanne, University of Windsor

        Usually Monday mornings are a total waste of time for me – not anymore!

        There are lots of more subtle things too, like getting me thinking about everything I have to do and organizing those things.

        The benefits of that last the whole week.

        – Abby, Baltimore, MD, USA

        MWYW has taught me a lot about managing and making time for writing.

        In particular, writing a list at the end of the meeting of how I’d continue the work makes picking up the project when I have extra time much easier since I know exactly what to dive into and don’t waste time trying to figure out what I need to do.

        – Eric, Michigan, USA

        A Meeting With Your Writing has given me an entirely new perspective on writing — indeed, several new perspectives.

        Several key points: thinking about what I’ve accomplished as opposed to what I haven’t accomplished; listing small tasks to get me started or moving ahead; and taking control of my projects rather than having them control me.

        After sitting on a couple of manuscripts for “too long” I finally finished and submitted them, and managed to finish a new manuscript as well, all since September.

        – Nancy, University of Alberta

        It has helped me sustain focus on my writing through a busy term of intensive teaching.

        The fact that it is on Monday morning helps remind me to start with my writing rather than squeeze it in at other times.

        – Carol, Kamloops, BC, Canada

        Membership of the Academic Writing Studio is tiered. If you pay by monthly subscription, you will be able to upgrade or downgrade your membership as needed.

        The Studio + Meeting With Your Writing membership includes:

        • A Meeting With Your Writing
        • Annual Planning Class
        • 4 Quarterly Planning Classes
        • Open Topic Office Hours
        • Quarterly Writing Clinics
        • PhD Clinics
        • Dealing With Reviewer Comments (self-paced class)
        • Other self-paced materials


        Try A Meeting With Your Writing Free for 30 days!

        Pay What You Can pricing

        Our pricing balances the value of the service, the level of revenue that is sustainable for the business, and accessibility of the service to those who would benefit from it.

        We suggest £55/month for this membership. However, we recognize that members are in a wide variety of employment situations, and that salaries vary considerably depending on a variety of factors.

        We offer a no-questions-asked sliding scale for this membership tier, that includes a higher price that helps support our ability to offer lower tiers to PhD students, the precariously employed, and those in regions where salaries are lower.

        You can move between tiers if/when your circumstances change.

        Can’t afford that? 

        We understand that those who need this service might be in precarious financial situations for any number of reasons. Choose a price that best fits your financial circumstances.

        Help us support financially precarious scholars 

        If you are financially more secure, and would like to help make it possible for us to continue to offer lower price points for others, you can choose to pay more.

        Annual Option

        There is also an annual option available with a smaller range of pricing choices to reflect institutional or other funding sources.

        £660.00 / year

        £780.00 / year

        All prices are inclusive of applicable sales taxes, which may be charged based on place of supply (where you live and receive the service), and remitted to the appropriate tax authority.


        Not sure?

        Interested but not ready to commit?